interface ImportPrivateKeyParams {
    keyType: KeyType;
    litNodeClient: ILitNodeClient;
    memo: string;
    pkpSessionSigs: SessionSigsMap;
    privateKey: string;
    publicKey: string;

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keyType: KeyType

The algorithm type of the key; this might be K256, ed25519, or other key formats. The keyType will be included in the metadata returned from the wrapped keys service

litNodeClient: ILitNodeClient

The Lit Node Client used for executing the Lit Action and identifying which wrapped keys backend service to communicate with.

memo: string

A (typically) user-provided descriptor for the encrypted private key

pkpSessionSigs: SessionSigsMap

The PKP sessionSigs used to associate the PKP with the generated private key and authenticate with the wrapped keys backend service.

privateKey: string

The private key to be imported into the wrapped keys service

publicKey: string

The public key of the key being imported into the wrapped keys service