Prepares transaction data by calculating the amount and fee. Returns the amount and fee in the format required by the SigningStargateClient.sign method.
Transaction configuration.
An object containing the amount and fee in the format required by the SigningStargateClient.sign method.
getClient is an asynchronous function that creates and returns a SigningStargateClient instance. The SigningStargateClient is connected to the provided rpcEndpoint, and the wallet instance itself acts as the signer.
A promise that resolves to a SigningStargateClient instance connected to the rpcEndpoint with the wallet as the signer.
Runs the specified Lit action with the given parameters.
The data to be signed by the Lit action.
The name of the signature to be returned by the Lit action.
Sign the provided data with the PKP private key.
The data to be signed.
*** NOTE: This is a copy of the SigningStargateClient.sign method ***
Gets account number and sequence from the API, creates a sign doc, creates a single signature and assembles the signed transaction.
The sign mode (SIGN_MODE_DIRECT or SIGN_MODE_LEGACY_AMINO_JSON) is determined by this client's signer.
You can pass signer data (account number, sequence and chain ID) explicitly instead of querying them from the chain. This is needed when signing for a multisig account, but it also allows for offline signing (See the SigningStargateClient.offline constructor).
An array of messages to be signed, following the EncodeObject format
The transaction fee object, containing the gas limit and amount
An optional memo string to be included in the transaction
explicitSignerData: SignerDataOptional SignerData to be used during signing (e.g., account number, sequence, and chain ID)
A promise that resolves to an object containing the signed transaction bytes and signature array
Signs the provided transaction using the LIT node client and returns the signed transaction and the encoded signature.
The address of the signer.
The transaction data to be signed.
A promise that resolves to a DirectSignResponse containing the signed transaction and the encoded signature.
Similar to "DirectSecp256k1HdWallet", but uses PKP to sign