Hierarchy (view full)



domain: string

The domain from which the signing request is made

litNodeClient: LitNodeClient

Client to connect to Lit nodes

origin: string

The origin from which the signing request is made

relay: IRelay

Relay server to subsidize minting of PKPs


  • Calculates a public key for a given key identifier which is an Auth Method Identifier the Auth Method Identifier is a hash of a user identifier and app idendtifer. These identifiers are specific to each auth method and will derive the public key protion of a pkp which will be persited when a key is claimed.

    Auth Method User ID App ID
    Google OAuth token sub token aud
    Discord OAuth user id client app identifier
    Stytch OTP token sub token aud


    Returns Promise<string>

  • Generate a wallet signature to use as an auth method


    • options: {
          address?: string;
          chain?: string;
          domain?: string;
          expiration?: string;
          litNodeClient: LitNodeClient;
          origin?: string;
          signer: Wallet | Signer | EthWalletAuthenticateOptions;
      • Optionaladdress?: string

        Address to sign with

      • Optionalchain?: string

        Name of chain to use for signature

      • Optionaldomain?: string

        Domain from which the signing request is made

      • Optionalexpiration?: string

        When the auth signature expires

      • litNodeClient: LitNodeClient

        LitNodeClient instance

      • Optionalorigin?: string

        Origin from which the signing request is made

      • signer: Wallet | Signer | EthWalletAuthenticateOptions

        Signer object

    Returns Promise<AuthMethod>

    • Auth method object containing the auth signature


      const authMethod = await EthWalletProvider.authenticate({
    signer: wallet,
    litNodeClient: client,