Includes the decrypted private key and metadata that was stored alongside it in the wrapped keys service

interface ExportPrivateKeyResult {
    decryptedPrivateKey: string;
    id: string;
    keyType: KeyType;
    litNetwork: LIT_NETWORKS_KEYS;
    memo: string;
    pkpAddress: string;
    publicKey: string;


decryptedPrivateKey: string

The decrypted, plain text private key that was persisted to the wrapped keys service

id: string

The unique identifier (UUID V4) of the encrypted private key

keyType: KeyType

The algorithm type of the key; this might be K256, ed25519, or other key formats. The keyType will be included in the metadata returned from the wrapped keys service


The LIT network that the LIT Node Client was configured for when the key was persisted to the wrapped keys service

memo: string

A (typically) user-provided descriptor for the encrypted private key

pkpAddress: string

The LIT PKP Address that the key was linked to; this is derived from the provided pkpSessionSigs

publicKey: string

The public key of the key being imported into the wrapped keys service